Today is Sunday February 16th , 2025
PBA members have a sense of commitment to the prune industry and know that there is strength in numbers

Become a Member of the PBA

Summary of PBA Membership Agreement (pdf)
PBA Membership Application (pdf)
PBA By Laws (doc or pdf)
PBA Articles of Incorporation (doc or pdf)

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Prune Growers

Why Join a Prune Bargaining Association?

The PBA provides a direct connection to every industry leader and policy maker in the business. One call to the PBA office puts the industry at your fingertips. The strength of many lends weight to individual members to help them find opportunities, settle disputes, and provide protection. Members have a place to turn when they have a concern or a problem to solve regarding the marketing of their prune crop.

Only PBA members participate in establishing the price standard
By belonging to the Prune Bargaining Association, members enhance price stability and improve their overall returns. Only PBA members participate in establishing the price standard.

The PBA represents members' interests on issues at the state and federal levels. Members also have an effective channel for input on industry issues and promotion programs.

Members have access to current market information and in-depth industry analysis that would be difficult for growers to acquire and compile on their own. The PBA publishes newsletters and special reports regarding crop, market, and industry trends.

On request, the PBA office provides analysis and assistance with P-1 grade sheets, tracking of orchard performance, computation of optimum crop load based on orchard history, and fruit sampling at reference date or harvest to predict average size count.